Fill out the form below to start the collaborative custom design process! Fill out as much of this information so that we can give you the most accurate response on creating your custom piece. After we review the information provided, we will contact you via your preferred method within 48 hours. If you don't hear from us or need to discuss your project directly, please send an email to [email protected].
Our design team is eager to help you every step of the way: from providing high-definition photos and videos, CAD digital renders and wax models of your piece to overseeing your project from vision to completion with comprehensive communication along the way. We provide complimentary insurance appraisals for all custom pieces upon request and work with clients in-person & virtually worldwide to create one-of-a-kind jewelry that lasts lifetime. Our custom design services require a 50% deposit to initiate production and some projects may incur design fees.





reference images & extras

Provide any reference photos or design inspiration for your project below. Email larger files to [email protected].
Please upload a file before submitting.
Please upload a file before submitting.
Please upload a file before submitting.
Please upload a file before submitting.
Please upload a file before submitting.