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Where did you buy it?/該当商品をどこで購入されましたか
RANVOO Website(RANVOO公式サイト)
楽天(For Japanese Customers)
What products did you purchase?/商品名
AICE 3 Neck Air Conditioner(AICE 3 ネッククーラー)
AICE LITE Neck Air Conditioner(AICE LITE ネッククーラー)
Bubble Electric Toothbrush(バブル電動歯ブラシ)
Mattress Vacuum Cleaner(ミニスチームアイロン)
GoGo Lint Fabric Shaver(GoGo Lint毛玉取り器)
L20 Pocket Fan(L20 ハンディファン)
L18 Portable Neck Fan(L18首掛け扇風機)
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Order ID(注文番号)
Please provide your order ID so we can verify. The format of Amazon ID is 123-1234567-1234567 and official website ID is 1234 (Amazon注文番号は「123-1234567-1234567」のような17桁番号で、公式サイトの注文番号は4桁です)
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{billingAddress-FirstName} {billingAddress-LastName} {billingAddress-Address1} {billingAddress-Address2} {billingAddress-City} {billingAddress-Country} {billingAddress-Prince} {billingAddress-PostalCode}
{FirstName} {LastName} {Company} {Address1} {Address2} {City} {Prince} {Country} {PostalCode}